Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das Politische Buch
Since 1993, the Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book has been awarded annually by the Karl Renner Institute in cooperation with the Social Democratic educational organisation. In the spirit of Bruno Kreisky’s lifetime achievements, this prize is awarded to honour political literature that promotes freedom, equality, social justice, solidarity, democracy and social cohesion, tolerance and freedom of the arts.
In addition to the main prize for the political book, a prize for lifetime works, a special prize related to “Arbeitswelten – Bildungswelten” (Working Worlds – Educational Worlds), a prize for special publishing achievements and merit prizes are awarded.
The awarding of the prizes is facilitated thanks to cooperation with the Social Democratic Parliamentary Club and the support of a large number of sponsors.
The Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue is on the jury and is the logistical cooperation partner.
Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book – Laureates 2005-2023